SCHC Has A New Address

SCHC Has A New Address

Same location, new address! We haven’t moved, but our address has changed. Google Maps, Apple Maps, and even Mapquest show our new address when users search “SCHC”. Please update any and all SCHC profiles and instances of our old address to:

2331 Randon Dyer Rd
Rosenberg, TX 77471

We’re continuing to safely work through these tough times to meet your logistics and packaging needs! Feel free to reach out to us for help with directions, for a quote, or with any questions, comments, or concerns.

New Address: Image of a blue and white sign with the logo of a company called SCHC.
A man with glasses wearing a striped shirt sitting in an office chair

Mr. Heller Cozac

“In 1987, Heller Cozac channeled years of industry expertise into founding Houston Carton from a simple room at home.”



We will not respond to solicitation or employment inquiries through this form.